Orders are processed Monday-Friday, 9AM to 5PM ET. Orders placed outside of these hours will not be processed until the next business day. Orders placed after 5:00pm ET on Friday, will be processed on Monday, except in the event of a Holiday in which the fulfillment center is closed. Practice Command LLC is closed on weekends.
If you order has been processed for shipping, or has shipped, we cannot cancel your order. You can refuse the delivery, and your order will be subject to our return policy.
In the event there is a credit card authorization issue, the order will be put on hold and you will be notified immediately.
Practice Command LLC uses a range of carriers for each shipping option. We choose the most appropriate delivery method for your ship to address. Practice Command LLC will choose a preferred carrier after your order has been placed.
USPS Priority Mail: Your order will be delivered within 1-3 business days after the order leaves Practice Command LLC, not counting the ship date and not including Sunday, or USPS Holidays. Package arrives before end of day along with your normal mail delivery Monday through Saturday.
Standard (Up to 7 days): Your order will be delivered within 7 business days after the order leavesPractice Command LLC, not counting the ship date and not including Saturday and Sunday, or Carrier Holidays. Package arrives before end of day. We ship from multiple locations.
Premium (2-3 days): Your order will be delivered 2-3 business days after the order leaves Practice Command LLC, not counting the ship date and not including Saturday and Sunday, or Carrier Holidays. Package usually arrives by end of day.
?Next Day (1 day): Your order will be delivered 1 business day after the order leaves Practice Command LLC, not counting the ship date and not including Saturday and Sunday, or Carrier Holidays. Package usually arrives before end of day.
Next Day AM (1 day): Your order will be delivered the next business day by 12pm, after the order leaves Practice Command LLC, not counting the ship date and not including Saturday and Sunday, or Carrier Holidays. Package usually arrives before end of day.
If you would like to place a UPS or FedEx shipping charge that is over $25.00 on your own UPS or FedEx account, you can supply the number in the comments box on the checkout page. The shipping charge will show on your order confirmation, but we will remove the shipping cost before charging your credit card.
All orders shipped to a NY address will be charged the appropriate state sales tax.